Audi Activation
Audi Canada
July-October 2023
Esterel Resort (QC), The Westin Blue Mountain (ON), Brentwood Bay Resort (BC)
Audi activation was an in-person learn and drive experience for all new Audi dealer staff. Audi qualified trainers engaged participants to build the confidence and credibility needed to meet customer expectations.
Objectives for the experience fell into four categories:
(1) to be able to speak intelligently to essential Audi topics, including history, brand, corporate identity, current operations and forward strategies
(2) to speak intelligently to Audi products and services using simple and concise descriptions that showcase customer benefits
(3) to experience diverse Audi products hands-on, including a substantial test drive
(4) to validate and boost Audi brand and product enthusiasm

Attendees of the program included: All level 0 and level 1 Audi brand specialists, CPO ABS, Sales managers, CPO managers, Parts consultants, Parts managers, Service consultants , Service managers, Delivery
specialists, Finance managers and eBusiness managers. Apprentice technicians that joined a dealer after January 1, 2022 had the option to attend. In addition, all new Audi Canada corporate hires were required to attend.